Facade/entrance, Property Building in the b ochanomizu

the b ochanomizu


ようこそthe b ochanomizuへ!東京の賑やかな中心部に位置する魅力的な3つ星のリトリートです。千代田区にあり、活気ある市中心部からわずか4.2マイルの距離にあるこのホテルは、日本の活気ある首都を探索したい旅行者に最適です。1泊$83からの料金で、財布に優しい快適な滞在を楽しむことができます!

the b ochanomizuでは、さまざまなアメニティがあなたをお待ちしています!美味しい朝食で目覚め、探索の一日を終えた後はリラックスできるマッサージを受けることを想像してみてください。各部屋は快適に整えられた禁煙室で、無料Wi-Fi、エアコン、さらには夢のような睡眠のためのエクストラロングベッドが完備されています。さらに、部屋にはビデとバスタブがあり、まさに天国の一片です!

the b ochanomizuは1728件の素晴らしいレビューを誇り、24時間対応のフロントデスクと上層階へのエレベーターの簡単なアクセスで、温かい雰囲気を醸し出しています。ビジネスでもレジャーでも、東京のダイナミックな文化を体験しながら、一日の終わりに戻るための居心地の良い避難所を提供するこのホテルは、あなたのゲートウェイです。

Bed in the b ochanomizu
Photo of the whole room, TV/Entertainment Center in the b ochanomizu


Deluxe King Room - single occupancy in the b ochanomizu


1 クイーンサイズベッド


235 平方フィート

デラックス, キングサイズ, シングルユース






2 シングルベッド


215 平方フィート

ルーム - ツインベッド2台





1 キングサイズベッド


235 平方フィート






the b ochanomizuでは、あなたの冒険が始まったばかりで、部屋の快適さを超えて探索することがまだまだたくさんあります!the b ochanomizuの千代田区にある立地は、単に市中心部への近さだけでなく、あなたのドアのすぐ外に待っている地元の文化、歴史、そして美食の豊かな織り成すタペストリーにも関わっています。近くの公園を散策したり、象徴的なランドマークを訪れたりしながら、東京のユニークな雰囲気を楽しんでください。旅行に恋をした理由を思い出させてくれる地元の飲食店やユニークなショップをチェックするチャンスをお見逃しなく!

東京の街を旅する中で、日が沈むとともに活気づく夜の生活を楽しむ準備をしてください。探索の後は、the b ochanomizuに戻り、心地よいマッサージで一日の喧騒を解きほぐし、リラックスすることができます。あなたの居心地の良い隠れ家が、外の冒険と同じくらいエキサイティングであることに気づくかもしれません—部屋からの深夜のおやつを楽しんだり、バスタブで温かいリラクゼーションに浸ったりすることができます。スタッフの親しみやすさが、あなたをまるで自宅にいるかのように感じさせてくれます。彼らは常におすすめや内部のヒントを提供する準備ができています。

Facade/entrance, Property Building in the b ochanomizu
Facade/entrance in the b ochanomizu


そして、夜に落ち着く時間が来たら、旅行スタイルに合わせたさまざまな部屋タイプから選んでください—ソロ探検者のためのシングルルームや、贅沢を求める方のためのデラックスキングなど。快適なベッド、無料Wi-Fi、そして素晴らしいアメニティが揃っており、あなたはリフレッシュされ、新たな発見の一日を迎える準備が整います!the b ochanomizuは、手頃な価格と魅力で全ての旅行者を受け入れ、忘れられない旅行のための完璧な拠点を作り出します。さあ、荷物をまとめて、あなたが本当に属する場所にいるように感じさせる素晴らしい滞在の準備をしましょう!

Photo of the whole room, TV/Entertainment Center in the b ochanomizu
Area and facilities, Bed in the b ochanomizu









エクストラロングベッド (> 6.5 ft)

Bathroom in the b ochanomizu
Lounge or bar, Restaurant/Places to Eat in the b ochanomizu
Lounge or bar in the b ochanomizu
LOCATION: Great! Within 10min walk of Shinjuku Line, Marunouchi Line, Chuo Line. About 12 min walk to Kanda station with also services Ginza, Yamanote, and Keihin-Tohoku lines. Within 5min walk of 2 Family Marts for breakfast/atm. Within 5 min walk of two pharmacies (Welcia). Only 10min walk into Akiba. Mostly quiet area, VERY rarely hear an ambulance from nearby hospital, but it's muffled from nearby buildings. ROOM: Stayed in a "double room" (actually had QUEEN beds which was great, double-check your mattress sizes for this when booking). Bathroom clean, large bed, headboard space to put phones / charge. Standard smaller size room compared to western chains but suitcases fit under bed so it's not a big deal. Table+two seats, which was room for opening up suitcases when needed. Very thorough housekeeping service, changed out towels/garbage/amenities every day, and did a full room cleanup every 3 days (unless you put up the do not disturb sign). Air conditioning straight-forward if you can read JPN. If not, take a photo of the interface and send it through google translate; still straight-forward. Comfy pajamas/robes, nice material and not see-through. OTHER: Free coffee/cookies/snacks in the lobby depending on time of day, free travel-sized skincare/toiletries. Large bottles of shampoo/conditioner/liquid body soap in the shower. Vending machine inside hotel doesn't have a huge selection but there's about 20 more vending machines within a 2 minute walk of the hotel so just walk towards the Family Mart to the north. Did not do hotel breakfast bc family marts are nearby.


I lost my stuff at a metro. The staff were very kindly and willingness to help me to contact the metro customer service centre. Ended up I managed to go to the lost and found centre and get my stuff back. The bed and pillow are super comfortable. I slept so well here. The check-out time in Japan normally at 10am. But this hotel is at 11am. That give me enough time to sleep, to eat breakfast and check-out. They offer pyjamas and it is super comfortable and cute! I really like the texture. I am lucky to stay in the biggest room in the hotel. Able to open my suitcase completed and able to have a hot bathing in my room.


On the plus size: very easy walk to 3 (!) metro stations, plenty of restaurants frequented by locals in the area (although avoid the 1899 cafe - they are not hospitable). The breakfast is very good (we chose the rate including breakfast) and western style. They have nice cookies/cream tarts in the afternoon. There is a large table next to the reception with outlets if you need to work on your laptop for a while. One last thing: the AC’s on/off button above the bed acts as a very strong night-light, strange but you get used to it.


So we began our trip staying here and originally booked somewhere else for the tail end but we were so impressed with this little hotel and staff that we cancelled the other place and stayed here end to end. They are so accommodating-we sent 6 large suitcases ahead and they found a spot for them-the breakfast and afternoon treats are wonderful and they put us in the same room we were in before-and God bless them they rearranged things so our luggage would fit. Love this place and the people who work there.


The staff were very accommodating and friendly, allowing us to store our luggage before checking in and even putting them in our room after we got back from a day out. The room was perfectly suitable, beds were comfortable, has a window that opens. The breakfast was also good, although I wouldn't describe it as a buffet, more a set meal with a drinks buffet. They do offer free coffee at any time though. The bread at breakfast was excellent! Simple and lovely meal for a good price.


LOCATION: Great! Within 10min walk of Shinjuku Line, Marunouchi Line, Chuo Line. About 12 min walk to Kanda station with also services Ginza, Yamanote, and Keihin-Tohoku lines. Within 5min walk of 2 Family Marts for breakfast/atm. Within 5 min walk of two pharmacies (Welcia). Only 10min walk into Akiba. Mostly quiet area, VERY rarely hear an ambulance from nearby hospital, but it's muffled from nearby buildings. ROOM: Stayed in a "double room" (actually had QUEEN beds which was great, double-check your mattress sizes for this when booking). Bathroom clean, large bed, headboard space to put phones / charge. Standard smaller size room compared to western chains but suitcases fit under bed so it's not a big deal. Table+two seats, which was room for opening up suitcases when needed. Very thorough housekeeping service, changed out towels/garbage/amenities every day, and did a full room cleanup every 3 days (unless you put up the do not disturb sign). Air conditioning straight-forward if you can read JPN. If not, take a photo of the interface and send it through google translate; still straight-forward. Comfy pajamas/robes, nice material and not see-through. OTHER: Free coffee/cookies/snacks in the lobby depending on time of day, free travel-sized skincare/toiletries. Large bottles of shampoo/conditioner/liquid body soap in the shower. Vending machine inside hotel doesn't have a huge selection but there's about 20 more vending machines within a 2 minute walk of the hotel so just walk towards the Family Mart to the north. Did not do hotel breakfast bc family marts are nearby.


I lost my stuff at a metro. The staff were very kindly and willingness to help me to contact the metro customer service centre. Ended up I managed to go to the lost and found centre and get my stuff back. The bed and pillow are super comfortable. I slept so well here. The check-out time in Japan normally at 10am. But this hotel is at 11am. That give me enough time to sleep, to eat breakfast and check-out. They offer pyjamas and it is super comfortable and cute! I really like the texture. I am lucky to stay in the biggest room in the hotel. Able to open my suitcase completed and able to have a hot bathing in my room.


On the plus size: very easy walk to 3 (!) metro stations, plenty of restaurants frequented by locals in the area (although avoid the 1899 cafe - they are not hospitable). The breakfast is very good (we chose the rate including breakfast) and western style. They have nice cookies/cream tarts in the afternoon. There is a large table next to the reception with outlets if you need to work on your laptop for a while. One last thing: the AC’s on/off button above the bed acts as a very strong night-light, strange but you get used to it.


So we began our trip staying here and originally booked somewhere else for the tail end but we were so impressed with this little hotel and staff that we cancelled the other place and stayed here end to end. They are so accommodating-we sent 6 large suitcases ahead and they found a spot for them-the breakfast and afternoon treats are wonderful and they put us in the same room we were in before-and God bless them they rearranged things so our luggage would fit. Love this place and the people who work there.


The staff were very accommodating and friendly, allowing us to store our luggage before checking in and even putting them in our room after we got back from a day out. The room was perfectly suitable, beds were comfortable, has a window that opens. The breakfast was also good, although I wouldn't describe it as a buffet, more a set meal with a drinks buffet. They do offer free coffee at any time though. The bread at breakfast was excellent! Simple and lovely meal for a good price.


LOCATION: Great! Within 10min walk of Shinjuku Line, Marunouchi Line, Chuo Line. About 12 min walk to Kanda station with also services Ginza, Yamanote, and Keihin-Tohoku lines. Within 5min walk of 2 Family Marts for breakfast/atm. Within 5 min walk of two pharmacies (Welcia). Only 10min walk into Akiba. Mostly quiet area, VERY rarely hear an ambulance from nearby hospital, but it's muffled from nearby buildings. ROOM: Stayed in a "double room" (actually had QUEEN beds which was great, double-check your mattress sizes for this when booking). Bathroom clean, large bed, headboard space to put phones / charge. Standard smaller size room compared to western chains but suitcases fit under bed so it's not a big deal. Table+two seats, which was room for opening up suitcases when needed. Very thorough housekeeping service, changed out towels/garbage/amenities every day, and did a full room cleanup every 3 days (unless you put up the do not disturb sign). Air conditioning straight-forward if you can read JPN. If not, take a photo of the interface and send it through google translate; still straight-forward. Comfy pajamas/robes, nice material and not see-through. OTHER: Free coffee/cookies/snacks in the lobby depending on time of day, free travel-sized skincare/toiletries. Large bottles of shampoo/conditioner/liquid body soap in the shower. Vending machine inside hotel doesn't have a huge selection but there's about 20 more vending machines within a 2 minute walk of the hotel so just walk towards the Family Mart to the north. Did not do hotel breakfast bc family marts are nearby.


I lost my stuff at a metro. The staff were very kindly and willingness to help me to contact the metro customer service centre. Ended up I managed to go to the lost and found centre and get my stuff back. The bed and pillow are super comfortable. I slept so well here. The check-out time in Japan normally at 10am. But this hotel is at 11am. That give me enough time to sleep, to eat breakfast and check-out. They offer pyjamas and it is super comfortable and cute! I really like the texture. I am lucky to stay in the biggest room in the hotel. Able to open my suitcase completed and able to have a hot bathing in my room.


On the plus size: very easy walk to 3 (!) metro stations, plenty of restaurants frequented by locals in the area (although avoid the 1899 cafe - they are not hospitable). The breakfast is very good (we chose the rate including breakfast) and western style. They have nice cookies/cream tarts in the afternoon. There is a large table next to the reception with outlets if you need to work on your laptop for a while. One last thing: the AC’s on/off button above the bed acts as a very strong night-light, strange but you get used to it.


So we began our trip staying here and originally booked somewhere else for the tail end but we were so impressed with this little hotel and staff that we cancelled the other place and stayed here end to end. They are so accommodating-we sent 6 large suitcases ahead and they found a spot for them-the breakfast and afternoon treats are wonderful and they put us in the same room we were in before-and God bless them they rearranged things so our luggage would fit. Love this place and the people who work there.


The staff were very accommodating and friendly, allowing us to store our luggage before checking in and even putting them in our room after we got back from a day out. The room was perfectly suitable, beds were comfortable, has a window that opens. The breakfast was also good, although I wouldn't describe it as a buffet, more a set meal with a drinks buffet. They do offer free coffee at any time though. The bread at breakfast was excellent! Simple and lovely meal for a good price.



Chiyoda-Ku Kanda Awajicho 1-7-5, Tokyo, 101-0063, 日本

the b ochanomizu